Write free knowledge that attracts interested visitors

Tips about Traffic and social media include SEO
Write free knowledge that attracts interested visitors


Main TIPS :

You have to give something , new information or obsessive method
Well,  that's what they need to share it with their friends
Try this out  :

  1. Try to write about smart ways to use New or known  applications
  2. Try to remind them about boundaries in something you're writing about
  3. Try to make top 10 apps or websites Posts with attractive titles
  4. Try to make a summarization for e-book or websites
  5. Try to write about new offers or updates related to your topics
  6. Make free Q&A page or social media account ( Quora.com )

The more information you give, the more interested visitors you get


Hello guys, I'm Yazed, a freelance SEO and SMO nerd. I Would like to give a free Tips and makrketing plans for free. Follow me on social media below

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